The feud between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk is getting even more heated than previously thought. According to an insider at Twitter, “Mark and Elon first wanted to have a pay per view fight to raise money for Charity (Elon’s favorite stripper) and Candy (Mark’s favorite sweet thing). Unfortunately, things got heated on the call […]
The head of the They/Them Non-binary council, Pat Himher is up in arms about a new decision by Mattel Inc. Pat discussed the issue with Mattel and said, “As the new Barbie hits the theaters it has come to our attention that there is a new Barbie and Ken being ready to be introduced into […]
The Jones family have finally finished their 20-year project. The family known for being the cheapest on earth has accomplished something nobody thought was possible. The Jones have been known to store packages of ketchup from restaurants they never ate at and getting kicked out of all you can eat at restaurants for bringing doggy […]