Willie Dumper of Chevy Chase, Maryland may just have the crappiest job you have never heard of. We caught up with Willie and asked him how a he ended up with such a job and he said, “First off, I can’t believe I get paid to do this shit. My high school guidance counselor said […]
Aries – You are having trouble meeting people to date because of your very busy work schedule. You will decide to try speed dating where you will meet 20 potential partners by speaking with them for 5 minutes each. You will unexpectedly encounter your first cousin who is also speed dating for the same reason. […]
Aries: Your independent electric company venture (funded by Dana White, President of the UFC) will go belly up this week. “White Power Inc.” was a bad choice Taurus: Time to look for a new job. Looks like the door-to-door meth/heroin sales market just isn’t what it used to be. Gemini: Your 23-year old date invites […]