Bald Men Recently Discover They Have No Forehead
Bald men all over the country are outraged discovering they no longer have a foreskin……shit, we meant forehead. Male pattern baldness has resulted in full baldness and the result is “Big Head”. “Big head” is caused by complete hair loss and is extremely noticeable. Finally doctors all over the country are claiming “Big Head” is responsible for weight gain. The study continues to explain that most people who suffer from “Big Head” are also fat. To be exact, 98% of men suffering from “Big Head” are fat as shit. It was also discovered that men who have “Big Head” and are fat also suffer from food addiction and binge drinking. “Big Head” is still being studied and is also a genetic link to single men that remain at the “Last Chance Table” at every wedding they attend. There are growing concerns that “Big Head” is also linked to “NoMohel” foreskin loss. This is still in R&P (penis)….ooops, we meant R&D. We just hired a new writer at MPL who keeps making mistakes. Sorry about that.