Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Business News Technology

Bath Balls


Walter Simmons was getting ready to board a flight with his wife Carol, when a simple question by Carol sent the Simmons to jail. The good news for the Simmons is that this caused them to create a new bathroom product that is a major seller on Amazon. Walter explained, “Carol and I spent 12 hours behind bars before our lawyers were able to post bail and get us out. During that time, that is when we came up with the idea of Bath Balls. It is shaped like testicles and when put in water dissolves into bubbles.  We had a ballbuster deal and sales were nuts, pardon the puns. The best part of selling these instead of the bath bombs, is that Carol will never yell out to me, do you have the case with the bombs in it again. However, having my wife yell that she has my balls may not sound so good either, but it won’t land us in jail at the airport again.”

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