Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Education Healthcare News

Being Waitlisted at Harvard is An Honor


Harvard has always been a selective university and it is even considered an honor to just  be waitlisted. Harvard is also in the process of lowering their standards. Some of the new standards that have been lowered are below:

  • You can now be waitlisted with a 2.5 GPA – Just prove you can get up to a 2.79 GPA
  • Being related to Ted Kaczynski increases your odds for acceptance to the school and a spot in the padded dorm room off campus that was just built for all genius students (HHH Harvard Halfway House)
  • Making Harvard your back up school will allow you to get in with a lower GPA….Insulting Harvard from the start has its advantages

Harvard wants to give everyone a chance to be waitlisted if they can………..there is the school of thought that a Harvard waitlist letter is worth framing instead of a degree from Winona State.  On a good note, the Kaczynski Dissecting Lab at the Harvard Medical School still ranks #1. Ted’s smell….touch…..and taste method is being used at other medical schools across the country.

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