There is no doubt that Americans are absolutely obsessed with weight. In the 1950’s Mothers actually told their daughters to smoke instead of eat because, “You can never be too thin.” In the 1960’s Supermodel Twiggy had millions of girls doing everything they could to get to size 0. The 1970’s brought us Karen Carpenter […]
As we all get older, the proverbial colon screening creeps up on us. As we approach middle age, more health tests and screenings approach us. TP Tech has developed a colon screening where you don’t have to meet up with the doctor. It can all be done remotely and provide results quickly. Additionally, there is […]
By now you have heard of the condition Called Peyronie’s disease. A condition where the penis is bent like a banana but worse and less a”peal”ing. There is a new condition which only affects maybe 5 or 10 males on the whole globe and it is called Pointyronie’s disease. MediaPub.Live has found the 1 American […]