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Not really satire.

Lifestyle News

Cheap Family


The Jones family have finally finished their 20-year project. The family known for being the cheapest on earth has accomplished something nobody thought was possible. The Jones have been known to store packages of ketchup from restaurants they never ate at and getting kicked out of all you can eat at restaurants for bringing doggy bags and refilling them and dropping them off to their kids outside the joint. Friends of theirs have told stories of going over their house and playing games called separate the two-ply toilet paper. Sure, it was described as a fun game by those who participated but it was a way for them to double up on their paper, that’s how cheap they are.  20 years ago, they bought an unfinished house to save money. The Jones actually started to weave their own carpet one stitch at a time. Well their hard work has paid off and the last stitch is complete.  Mr. Jones explained, “We saved a ton of money by doing the carpet ourselves. My wife wants me to do wood floors next and thankfully, I planted enough trees in my backyard that in about 10 years I should have enough wood to get it done.”

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