Ingrid Itznatzmypoopin, has a mysterious condition that we at MediaPubLive have a hard time describing, therefore we will let Ingrid describe it herself. Ingrid proclaimed, “I have a mystery, I for the life of me can not figure out. When I go to the bathroom to do a number 2, after I finish, I looked back and realized that it wasn’t mine. I mean that there is no way that is my number 2 and I can prove it. It seems impossible and I get that but there is no way to explain how my waste, if you will has corn in it. I haven’t had corn in over 2 years. Somehow, when it is down and do my thing, sure enough when I look back to see if it is healthy, I realize that the poop is not mine. I tried to do a DNA test to see who’s poop it is but the plane I sent it to was log jammed and I have yet to get a response back.”
This is not the first time Ingrid has made an outlandish claim. In 2021, Ingrid claimed her urine was actually yellow Gatorade. That 2021 report was debunked by me. While the urine was sweet in taste, it was more likely she was diabetic and the urine was not in fact Gatorade. My findings were backed after Ingrid admitted to being diagnosed in 2022. We will follow this claim but for now, we must admit we believe Ingrid like the corn, is full of crap.