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Not really satire.

Food Healthcare Lifestyle News

Cupcake Weight Loss


Hostess Corporation and the makers of Hostess Cupcakes is venturing into the weight loss market. Head of Marketing for Hostess, Phil Meeup explained their newest campaign, “Our team of scientists have come up with a delicious way for people to lose weight. They have created a special cupcake filling that can go in all of our products and have the same result , weight loss. 95% of our study participants have lost over 15% body weight by just adding our delicious treat to their diet. Somehow our scientist has been able to turn Ozempic (the famous weight loss diabetes medicine) into a tasty fluffy white filling. The filling that also comes loaded with fiber has led to pounds just falling off. The hardest thing for our team to figure out is how to keep up with demand.”


We at MediaPubLive have looked into their studies and realized that there is one major complication or side effect that comes with their new products. That problem is excessive diarrhea and major cramping, however all participants agree the weight loss is worth the hours on the toilet.  In fact, Charmin toilet paper maker, is working on a co-promotion to assist with undesirable but in Charmin’s case desirable side effects. Shit is about to get real, as the cupcakes are set to hit shelves for the holiday season. Another company has also expressed interest in teaming with Hostess but Depends was turned down for now.

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