Not really satire.

Not really satire.


EV Market Sensing Competition


By Bill Lumbergh

We have all read about Tesla and other Electric Vehicle manufacturers hitting the market. The boom is only growing and forcing many drivers to comply with state policies that will be enforced. It is expected by 2030, 50% of cars will be electric (EV) and this trend will only grow.

However, Dave Poolsberry felt the cost of EV was far too much…..challenges to the manufacturing process of the battery were far to detrimental to the environment in terms of the carbon footprint……and he lives in a home with no electricity or gas located in Ismay, Montana (smallest town in Montana). There needed to be a solution to challenge EV and create many missing benefits to the EV technology.

An epiphany hit him one evening while taking his 8th  nap in his 8 hour work day. Foot Pedal Vehicle (FPV) was born, and Dave has never looked back. A state of the art food pedal car with no engine …..electrical housing……no power source…no A/C or heat. This is regular Fred Flinstone mobile where your feet create the speed……velocity generating a power source to the vehicle. Dave had this to say, “Sure, it can only top out at 8 MPH for about ½ a mile, however no danger to the environment… maintenance………no real sound….in fact, no real comfort… that I think about it…this is a pain in my fnnn ass running my feet to create this speed… actually sucks….however, I am going to put a stop to the growing carbon footprint…..Musk has nothing on me!”

Just last week Poolsberry took pre-orders in his town Ismay….as you would guess it, he got 15 pre-orders (that is the entire town’s population as of 2021). The cars come in one model and are made of paperless paper and take about 1 hour to make. The assembly line is just Poolsbury for now. Forbes has named Poolsberry someone to pay attention to…..Forbes reporter Bill Dobbs had this to say, “This guy is an idiot…and honestly smells like shit…….and his brother in-law Ron is my good friend…I owed him a favor…so I wrote this piece for Forbes….good luck Dave…what a load of shit…..yeah….you are onto something….and I am the Pope!!”

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