Jeffery Epstein is Ugly
The story of Jeffery Epstein is tragic and quite frankly disgusting. He damaged many innocent peoples lives. At MPL, we support respecting women and keeping them paramount in all of our lives. I grew up with two sisters…..women matter and should always be respected.
Now the funny stuff. MPL uncovered that Jeffery Epstein began dating gentile men and women……he also wanted to protect his faith….he made them all convert to Judaism. This is true and breaking news. We spoke with Lisa Loopner and she had this to say, “He made us all go through conversion…..I know EVERYTHING there is to know about being Jewish……..this was brutal…then again he is a prick on so many levels…..anyways, Abraham is solid and will take Jeffery down…I know that for a fact….we chatted at synagogue…Abraham said that asshat has to answer to g-d and George Burns….and also Morgan Freeman!”
At MPL, we think what Jeffery Epstein did is disgusting. What a scum bag. Yeah, a real scum bag. We chose to make fun of him and raise the level of importance of women in this world. Please be respectful ALWAYS!