Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Comedy News

Lie Detector


Unfortunately, there is not much both sides of the political divide can agree on. However, it has come to Media Pub Live’s attention that there is actually one thing that both sides can agree on and that one thing might surprise you. A whistleblower has come forward to share with us that there is an actual lie detector that is 100 percent accurate. Politicians on both sides believe that this technology would be very dangerous in the hands of regular citizens. An anonymous congressman said, “Could you imagine a debate where politicians had to tell the truth, how in the world would be able to get elected? How could any of us ever raise money for our campaign? The whole political system would be destroyed, not too mention married men would never survive such a product. No man would ever be allowed to go to a bachelor party, society would breakdown and we would all be up shits creek without a paddle. The devastation would be insurmountable, seriously, think about if you had to always tell the truth. No longer could you tell a lover, oh that never happens to me. Well, just thank the politicians on both sides of the aisle for keep the 100 percent accurate lie detector from ever coming to market and instead being considered a military only tool.”

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