Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Business Economy News

National Payroll Appreciation Week


National Payroll Appreciation Week begins this week. All companies will be forced to comply by paying all employees who work in payroll a one time lump sum of 1 million dollars. Additionally, each employee is allowed to bitch at their boss who most likely treats them like dog poop. This is an effort to help payroll staff members feel appreciated and never work in that pain staking job again. We spoke with one staff member and here is what they had to say, “You would think I would give some of this money to charity….heck no, I am planning out an attack on my boss where we move him to an undisclosed location and glue that asshats head to a toilet….my neighbor did that to his wife who worked in payroll………….she has been stuck for like 3 years now and she was his boss…….they remain married but he doesn’t see her much and he is much happier!”

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