Peterr Henman has OCD so bad and it mainly deals with having everything be even or in pairs. He even legally changed his name to Peterr so it would have an even number of numbers. We spoke with Peters Psychiatrist, Randal Lugind with his permission, however we did have to ask twice before he gave it. Randal explained the Peter’s OCD, “Peterr is a rare case where he allows his obsession to negatively affect his life more than most. At first Peterr just asked questions two times, touched doorknobs twice, turned lights on and off two times, and even masturbated two times to completion. Then Peters OCD got worse, for example, Peterr was mugged three years ago and because of his OCD, he felt the need to have to get mugged again. So, Peter walked around bad neighborhoods for three straight nights until he got mugged for a second time. He was falsely accused of something while roaming the streets and ended up going to jail, where he was raped. Poor Peterr, his OCD continued down this horrible path to the point he had to get arrested again to keep it even as well as get raped again to even things out. You would think getting raped would be much worse than fulfill your OCD commitment to evening things out. His sessions with me have helped him out. However, at first his OCD got worse, and he needed things to be in threes, but I have gotten him back to where he started. The good thing for me is that he insists on paying me twice.”
We reached out to both of Peterr’s ex-wives, and they had the same response, “That two timing son of a bitch.” And then they both hung up on us. Please accept our apologies for posting this story twice, it was the only way he would allow us to i do the story on him.