Remote Sex Education Courses Educating the Youth
As kids approach middle school, sex education becomes far more important. Boys and girls are getting to the age where being sexually responsible is critical. David and Loraine Billings of Montana are retired, but have found a way to get busy. They have set up an online sex education curriculum where David and Loraine don’t show anything provocative. In fact, there are no visuals……it is just David and Loraine moaning for 2 straight hours over an audio file. We spoke with the David and here is what he had to say, “Look, at 87 you begin to start doing crazy ass shit…..this supplements my income beyond social security…it is relatively benign and if anything, it leaves the kids totally confused and they begin to talk more about abstinence……as a result, all middle schools across the US will be using this platform and never want to have sex and Loraine and I will be rich…I have to be honest, I don’t even like Loraine and I am divorcing her next week…..I might just make the videos myself!”