Not really satire.

Not really satire.


Richard M Plant


By Jack Firestone

Paul Enis, the recipient of the first penile implant is suing his doctor after 25 years of receiving the penis. Paul claims his doctor, Richard M. Plant is the cause for his “horrible life”.  In the suit Paul claims “Ever since I got the 6 and half inch, measured from the base, love muscle, my life has been in ruins. I never chased woman before the implant and all I could do since is spend all my money to get with them. I no longer think logically, for example, I used to drive a Pinto and couldn’t care less what I drove, now I need a sports car. Why? To pick up woman. I used to not give a crap about what kind of job I had as long as I could pay rent and have money left over for food. Now, I have to get a real job just so I can afford all of the things I need to actually attract a woman. Then after that I need enough money to afford to keep them happy. Worst of all if I can’t get with a woman, I end up having to pay for it. If I am unsuccessful, then I have to lay out more money for dolls and other things which is insane. Seriously, my penis is insatiable, and I do all this just so I could have less than 2 minutes of fun. My mind for the last 25 years has been all about what my penis wants and not what I want. Yes, I now actually think with my penis, and I have gone insane. I thought I found a cheat code and got married, turns out that backfired and I have sex even less than before.”

Paul is asking Dr. Richard M. Plant to remove his penis and is asking for damages in relation to the cost of his stay at his mental ward. He says his penis has caused him to go nuts and now he wishes to go without his own nuts.

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1 Comment

  1. Adam Goldberg January 12, 2023

    Whatta dick!

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