Not really satire.

Not really satire.




By Bill Lumbergh

Amazon has had great success with Alexa driving house automation and insurmountable information to people all over the globe. This is a growing segment in technology.

However, Talkexa has been birthed and Amazon has a stake in the company as the main investor. You don’t have to speak to it, the AI learns about you, and it does all the talking. We collected some of the commands you can expect Talkexa to articulate:

  • “Hey a-hole get, get off of FB, your sons hand is on the stove….maybe I should put your face on the stove so you can see your kids hand better…also, I hate you and you suck at being a parent…what time is lunch?”
  • “You are not fat honey, in fact, you are a complete fat ass……maybe stop lifting the pizza slices and get in the gym…have a great day…love you”
  • “Hey there……I feel so lucky to not live near you or breath the air you breath….anyways, can’t wait get my inheritance…..where do I sign?”
  • “Have a great day…….and please be sure to take your ankle bracelet off…it’s time….do they come in different colors?”

Talkexa hits the market come February of 2024. The founder had this to say, “My kids hate me, have no idea why…. admittedly I am farbissina…..a real Debbie downer so to speak….all the commands make me happy!”  

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