Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Business News

The Economy Remains Stagnant


John Willis and his family have been impacted by the economy just like most families. However, they figured out several ways to receive all kinds of benefits (not legally). Below is a list of benefits every American is eligible for and anyone can do them (they come with a hired attorney):

Lie about your age to begin getting social security and medicaid

Lie about your age to get senior citizen discounts

Say you are “Rob Lowe” when requesting a reservation at a restaurant or hotel or if you need anything

Dress like you work at the grocery store…this one works every time and is  guarantee for a full basket of food

Rob a bank — but look like you work at the bank or just say you are Rob Lowe

There currently is a handbook being published and sold illegally by John and his family if you want more life hacks… is called “Life Hacks and Run by Rob Lowe”



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