Not really satire.

Not really satire.

Breaking News


If you’re looking for in depth accurate news? Honestly, look elsewhere! If you are looking for words to read, look no further than MediaPubLive!!! WE ARE THE LEADER IN REAL FAKE NEWS! Perhaps we are the news that doesn’t matter.

Bringing you newish news. Yeah, a load of shit. THE REAL FAKE NEWS…ok, the news that doesn’t matter.

What people are saying...

"I was just sick of reading braille...then again I can't read..anyways this news matters"
Dave Parson
Springfield, IL
"I'm Dave's brother and I can't read. However, if I did read, I would read MediaPubLive"
Ron Parson
Champaign, IL
"I don't know Dave or Ron and they keep calling me and sending me Christmas gifts. I LOVE this news outlet! It was the exact reason I dropped out of college parents are gonna be pissed"
Susan Parson
Northbrook, IL