After further discussion with the Board of Directors at Chik-Fil-A, they will be opening up all restaurants on Sundays (sort of like Delis on the east coast). This has opened up a door for kids of Jewish faith and other faiths to work on Sunday. Additionally, they are now going away from the famous saying […]
After further discussions, all streaming channels will be using remote sets…..additionally, all acting will be done remotely from the actors physical body (some kind of teleport/hologram shit)….all the food tables for actors and directors will be remote…………..all the asswipes running the streaming networks will be working at remote locations or at Bobby’s house in a […]
Tom Cruise in his quiet absence of Hollywood founded a new religion. We had a chance to speak with him and here is what he had to say, “It all starts with unleavened bread……all my Jewish friends say everything in religion and digestive problems starts there…..solid foundation…..I meant solid foundation of shit…..Also, all men must […]