Yes, it is the Pittsburgh “Steelers” not “Stealers”. This has been an ongoing issue with fans and many publications that write about the franchise. The result has been that the Pittsburg (screw the H) Steelers have hired an unpaid intern named Barry Tav (everyone keeps spelling his name as “Bari” and it is “Barry”). Barry […]
We were fortunate to meet up with Craig Kilborn and do a little Q&A! Read below to see what we uncovered! MPL: What was it that made you want to be entertainment? Craig: My childhood was all about comedy and basketball. I was always funny and my Dad was funny. I’d watch Monty Python, The […]
Two construction workers in China pierced the ancient Great Wall, because “it was in their way.” Authorities have arrested the pair by the broken-down section of the wall far from the restored touristy areas. The government of Youyu County announced the two suspects, identified as 38 year old Dig Tu Long, and 55 year old […]