In a move sparred by complete boredom, Patrick Spradow, proud college dropout, decided to do some research surrounding one very famous television show, Family Feud. Jonathan spent the summer of 2023 wandering the streets of Hollywood, Malibu, Santa Monica, San Diego, Long Beach, and Fresno. His goal was to find one, just ONE of the […]
Autonomous cars are still ways away from taking off, however they are the way of future for many reasons. However, many people are still uncomfortable with the idea of a driver not being present. Bill Slonger has created a solution to this valid concern. He has staffed several blind people who sit in the drivers […]
As more and more people apply for online positions, LinkedIn has fallen in love with the idea of lotteries when it comes time for hiring. With the average online position garnering 500-750+ applicants PER JOB, many applicants, including Joanne Smaterski, believes “I don’t have a cold chance in hell in getting a job at this […]