We have seen a ton of tech companies receive investment from private equity firms from all over the world. A publicly traded company called Stomp Tech just went public several months ago. They realized it would be odd if they invested in private equity, so they took a gamble. The process is called “Reverse Prickmove” […]
At MPL we had a chance to speak with the Bears coaching staff and here is what they had to say about their most recent loss, “We just realized for the last several years we have only been putting 8 players on the field…..nobody on the coaching staff had any fnnn idea…then again, most of […]
A new tech company out of Portland called Ballseezer Technologies has developed a scanning device that will provide a full genital scan of your “privates’ with infrared rays. The scanning process allows it to be done while your clothing is on. The technology process has only one small risk, fire. This has only happened on […]