A new car company on the seen just released a car specifically designed for new drivers on the road. When every kid turns 16 a new way of freedom and excitement ignites. A new company called “SOOBVIOUS AUTO” released its first car back in April. The standard model comes with the following: Unusually large sign […]
Kevin Sheehan of New York City has created a whole new site seeing experience or in this case a no sight seeing experience through the Big Apple. Kevin explained his new venture, “I lead a group of blind people through all of the cool places in New York City. I get so pissed when I […]
Long-time Baseball fans are feeling nostalgic for an era when autographs and souvenir foul balls were more important than selfies, tik-tok likes and memes. The weekend couldn’t come soon enough to hear the theme song (Jet Set) from This Week in Baseball in preparation to hear the great baseball stories from the week voiced by Mel Allen. Then […]